| 1 | Dit pakketje is een goedvoorbeeld van newpackage gebruik voor een perl module: |
| 2 | |
| 3 | {{{ |
| 4 | psy npl # ./newpackage perl version http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JP/JPEACOCK/version-0.76.tar.gz |
| 5 | Using perl/buildmods.SlackBuild as slackbuild.. |
| 6 | --2009-02-21 13:33:23-- http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JP/JPEACOCK/version-0.76.tar.gz |
| 7 | Resolving search.cpan.org... |
| 8 | Connecting to search.cpan.org||:80... connected. |
| 9 | HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found |
| 10 | Location: http://archive.cs.uu.nl/mirror/CPAN/authors/id/J/JP/JPEACOCK/version-0.76.tar.gz [following] |
| 11 | --2009-02-21 13:33:23-- http://archive.cs.uu.nl/mirror/CPAN/authors/id/J/JP/JPEACOCK/version-0.76.tar.gz |
| 12 | Resolving archive.cs.uu.nl... |
| 13 | Connecting to archive.cs.uu.nl||:80... connected. |
| 14 | HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK |
| 15 | Length: 54896 (54K) [application/x-gzip] |
| 16 | Saving to: `version-0.76.tar.gz' |
| 17 | |
| 18 | 100%[====================================================================================>] 54,896 --.-K/s in 0.09s |
| 19 | |
| 20 | 2009-02-21 13:33:23 (585 KB/s) - `version-0.76.tar.gz' saved [54896/54896] |
| 21 | |
| 22 | /home/psy/syn3/npl |
| 23 | Rebuild required: ./version.SlackBuild has changed! |
| 24 | REBUILDING /home/psy/syn3/npl/perl/version/version.SlackBuild: |
| 25 | Buildroot up-to-date check: (nopkgcheck to skip)......................................................................................................DONE |
| 26 | Buildroot /tmp/buildroot0._home_psy_syn3_builder repareren/syncen...OK |
| 27 | Build-dependency perl installeren: /home/psy/syn3/npl/.tmp/D/perl-5.8.7-i486-2056.tgz |
| 28 | Nieuwe packages ldconfiggen... |
| 29 | etc-update doen |
| 30 | stderr is not a tty - where are you? |
| 31 | /home/psy/syn3/npl/perl/version word gekopieerd naar werkdirectory /tmp/buildroot0._home_psy_syn3_builder/tmp/build |
| 32 | *** Chroot naar /tmp/buildroot0._home_psy_syn3_builder en starten van version.SlackBuild in /tmp/build: |
| 33 | /dev/pts/33: No such file or directory |
| 34 | 1 /tmp/build > pwd |
| 35 | 8 /tmp/build > CWD=/tmp/build |
| 36 | 1 /tmp/build > pwd |
| 37 | 9 /tmp/build > PKGROOT=/tmp/build/pkgtmp |
| 38 | 1 /tmp/build > echo version-0.76.tar.gz |
| 39 | 1 /tmp/build > sed s/.tar.gz// |
| 40 | 12 /tmp/build > TARDIR=version-0.76 |
| 41 | 1 /tmp/build > echo version-0.76 |
| 42 | 1 /tmp/build > sed 's/.*-//' |
| 43 | 13 /tmp/build > VER=0.76 |
| 44 | 1 /tmp/build > echo version-0.76 |
| 45 | 1 /tmp/build > sed 's/-[^-]*$//' |
| 46 | 1 /tmp/build > sed s/-/_/ |
| 47 | 14 /tmp/build > NAME=perlmod_version |
| 48 | 16 /tmp/build > rm -r /tmp/build/pkgtmp |
| 49 | 17 /tmp/build > mkdir -p /tmp/build/pkgtmp |
| 50 | 20 /tmp/build > cd /tmp/build |
| 51 | 21 /tmp/build > export PERL_INSTALL_ROOT=/tmp/build/pkgtmp |
| 52 | 21 /tmp/build > PERL_INSTALL_ROOT=/tmp/build/pkgtmp |
| 53 | 22 /tmp/build > tar -xzf version-0.76.tar.gz |
| 54 | 23 /tmp/build > cd version-0.76 |
| 55 | 24 /tmp/build/version-0.76 > perl Makefile.PL |
| 56 | Testing if you have a C compiler |
| 57 | Checking if your kit is complete... |
| 58 | Looks good |
| 59 | Writing Makefile for version::vxs |
| 60 | Writing Makefile for version |
| 61 | 25 /tmp/build/version-0.76 > make |
| 62 | cp lib/version.pm blib/lib/version.pm |
| 63 | cp lib/version.pod blib/lib/version.pod |
| 64 | make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/build/version-0.76/vutil' |
| 65 | cp lib/version/vxs.pm ../blib/lib/version/vxs.pm |
| 66 | cc -c -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -march=i486 -mcpu=i686 -DVERSION=\"0.76\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.76\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/i486-linux/CORE" vutil.c |
| 67 | /usr/bin/perl5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/ExtUtils/xsubpp -typemap /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap ../lib/version/typemap vxs.xs > vxs.xsc && mv vxs.xsc vxs.c |
| 68 | cc -c -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe -I/usr/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -march=i486 -mcpu=i686 -DVERSION=\"0.76\" -DXS_VERSION=\"0.76\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/i486-linux/CORE" vxs.c |
| 69 | Running Mkbootstrap for version::vxs () |
| 70 | chmod 644 vxs.bs |
| 71 | rm -f ../blib/arch/auto/version/vxs/vxs.so |
| 72 | LD_RUN_PATH="" cc -shared -L/usr/local/lib vutil.o vxs.o -o ../blib/arch/auto/version/vxs/vxs.so |
| 73 | chmod 755 ../blib/arch/auto/version/vxs/vxs.so |
| 74 | cp vxs.bs ../blib/arch/auto/version/vxs/vxs.bs |
| 75 | chmod 644 ../blib/arch/auto/version/vxs/vxs.bs |
| 76 | make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/build/version-0.76/vutil' |
| 77 | Manifying blib/man3/version.3 |
| 78 | 26 /tmp/build/version-0.76 > make test |
| 79 | make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/build/version-0.76/vutil' |
| 80 | make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/build/version-0.76/vutil' |
| 81 | PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl5.8.7 "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t |
| 82 | t/01base.......ok |
| 83 | t/02derived....ok |
| 84 | t/03require....ok |
| 85 | 4/129 skipped: version require'd instead of use'd, cannot test qv |
| 86 | All tests successful, 4 subtests skipped. |
| 87 | Files=3, Tests=396, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.19 cusr + 0.03 csys = 0.22 CPU) |
| 88 | make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/build/version-0.76/vutil' |
| 89 | No tests defined for version::vxs extension. |
| 90 | make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/build/version-0.76/vutil' |
| 91 | 27 /tmp/build/version-0.76 > make install |
| 92 | make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/build/version-0.76/vutil' |
| 93 | make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/build/version-0.76/vutil' |
| 94 | Installing /tmp/build/pkgtmp/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i486-linux/auto/version/vxs/vxs.bs |
| 95 | Installing /tmp/build/pkgtmp/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i486-linux/auto/version/vxs/vxs.so |
| 96 | Files found in blib/arch: installing files in blib/lib into architecture dependent library tree |
| 97 | Installing /tmp/build/pkgtmp/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i486-linux/version.pod |
| 98 | Installing /tmp/build/pkgtmp/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i486-linux/version.pm |
| 99 | Installing /tmp/build/pkgtmp/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i486-linux/version/vxs.pm |
| 100 | Installing /tmp/build/pkgtmp/usr/man/man3/version.3 |
| 101 | Writing /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/i486-linux/auto/version/.packlist |
| 102 | Appending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.7/i486-linux/perllocal.pod |
| 103 | 29 /tmp/build/version-0.76 > cd /tmp/build/pkgtmp |
| 104 | 30 /tmp/build/pkgtmp > makepkg -l y -c n /tmp/build/perlmod_version.pkg |
| 105 | tar-1.13: perlmod_version.pkg.tar is the archive; not dumped |
| 106 | 31 /tmp/build/pkgtmp > echo 0.76 |
| 107 | 32 /tmp/build/pkgtmp > arch |
| 108 | *** Build gelukt. |
| 109 | * Packages terugmoven naar originele directory.. |
| 110 | /tmp/buildroot0._home_psy_syn3_builder/tmp/build/perlmod_version.arch ... |
| 111 | /tmp/buildroot0._home_psy_syn3_builder/tmp/build/perlmod_version.version ... |
| 112 | /tmp/buildroot0._home_psy_syn3_builder/tmp/build/perlmod_version.pkg ... |
| 113 | |
| 114 | * Klaar ja! |
| 115 | Updating md5 for /home/psy/syn3/npl/perl/version/version.SlackBuild... |
| 116 | Updating dependency information for /home/psy/syn3/npl/perl/version/version.SlackBuild... |
| 117 | All rebuilds completed. |
| 118 | A perl/version |
| 119 | A perl/version/version.SlackBuild |
| 120 | A (bin) perl/version/version-0.76.tar.gz |
| 121 | A perl/version/perlmod_version.arch |
| 122 | A perl/version/perlmod_version.version |
| 123 | A (bin) perl/version/perlmod_version.pkg |
| 124 | A perl/version/version.md5 |
| 125 | Automatic Syn-3 package-creation completed succesfully. |
| 126 | }}} |