
Version 13 (modified by Edwin Eefting, 13 years ago) (diff)


Zarafa migratie van Connectux naar SYN-3


Zorg dat de users zijn aangemaakt op de SYN-3 server.

Als de installatie te groot is om dit handigmatig te doen, neem dan contact op met ons. Wij kunnen hiervoor scripts maken.

Database converteren van Zarafa naar SYN-3

  • Zorg dat u mimimaal SYN-3 versie 4.4.1 hebt.
  • Achterhaal de mysql user en pass van de database op de Connectux server:
    linux:/md0 # grep mysql /etc/araneus/zarafa/server.cfg
    mysql_user              = root
    mysql_password          = 12345
    mysql_database          = zarafa
  • Zorg dat de Zarafa database op de SYN-3 server leeg is:
    [Syn-3] root@syn.kado.local ~# svcstop /service/zarafa-server/                                                                                                                               
    Stopping /service/zarafa-server/ ....OK
    [Syn-3] root@syn.kado.local ~# mysqladmin -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` drop zarafa && mysqladmin -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` create zarafa                                                                                      
    Dropping the database is potentially a very bad thing to do.
    Any data stored in the database will be destroyed.
    Do you really want to drop the 'zarafa' database [y/N] y
    Database "zarafa" dropped
    [Syn-3] root@syn.kado.local ~# 
  • Om tijd te besparen, zorgen we dat de database rechtstreeks geïmporteerd word op de SYN-3 server, zonder tussenkomt van tijdelijke files:
linux:/md0 # mysqldump --quick -uroot -p'ec!db%pw' zarafa | ssh root@ 'mysql -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` zarafa'
root@'s password:
  • Afhankelijk van de database grote, kan dit soms een paar uur duren. Met dstat en top kunt u op de syn3 server zien wat er gaande is.

Mocht de conversie onderbroken worden met de melding 'ERROR 1153 (08S01) at line 24818: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes', dan dient u deze instelling hoger te maken in beide mysql config files

Zarafa eerste keer starten

De eerste keer als u zarafa start zullen er enige interne conversies plaats vinden. Ook dit kan lang duren. De voortgang kunt u in de logfile van zarafa bekijken

[Syn-3] root@server ~# tail -f /var/log/zarafa/server.log                                                                                                          
Thu Dec  9 13:34:09 2010: Failed to create store (id=1), errorcode=0x80000008
Thu Dec  9 15:25:32 2010: Shutting down.
Thu Dec  9 15:25:32 2010: Still waiting for 8 threads to exit
Thu Dec  9 15:25:33 2010: Server shutdown complete.
Tue Dec 14 16:32:16 2010: Starting zarafa-server version 6,40,3,23410, pid 24037
Tue Dec 14 16:32:16 2010: Connection to database 'zarafa' succeeded
Tue Dec 14 16:32:16 2010: Using commercial license serial ''
Tue Dec 14 16:32:16 2010: Start: Adding externid to 'object' table
Tue Dec 14 16:32:16 2010: Done: Adding externid to 'object' table
Tue Dec 14 16:32:16 2010: Start: Creating Single Instance Attachment table
Tue Dec 14 17:12:53 2010: Done: Creating Single Instance Attachment table
Tue Dec 14 17:12:53 2010: Start: Locking multiserver capability
Tue Dec 14 17:12:53 2010: Done: Locking multiserver capability
Tue Dec 14 17:12:53 2010: Start: Creating Addressbook Changes table
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Creating Addressbook Changes table
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Updating 'singleinstances' table to correct tag value
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Updating 'singleinstances' table to correct tag value
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Create table: synced messages
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Create table: synced messages
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Force Addressbook Resync
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Skipped: Force Addressbook Resync
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Rename objecttype columns to objectclass
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Rename objecttype columns to objectclass
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Convert objecttype columns to objectclass values
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Convert objecttype columns to objectclass values
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Add object MV property table
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Add object MV property table
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Link objects in DB plugin through companyid
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Link objects in DB plugin through companyid
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Update outgoingqueue key
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Update outgoingqueue key
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Update acl key
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Update acl key
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Update externid in object table
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Done: Update externid in object table
Tue Dec 14 17:12:54 2010: Start: Update keys in 'changes' table
Tue Dec 14 17:13:27 2010: Done: Update keys in 'changes' table
Tue Dec 14 17:13:27 2010: Start: Update mvproperties key
Tue Dec 14 17:13:28 2010: Done: Update mvproperties key
Tue Dec 14 17:13:28 2010: Start: Update DB plugin group to security groups
Tue Dec 14 17:13:28 2010: Done: Update DB plugin group to security groups
Tue Dec 14 17:13:28 2010: Start: Update DB/Unix plugin sendas settings
Tue Dec 14 17:13:28 2010: Done: Update DB/Unix plugin sendas settings
Tue Dec 14 17:13:29 2010: Attachments are stored with option 'database', but 'files' is selected.
Tue Dec 14 17:13:30 2010: Server shutdown complete.

Attachments converteren

  • De attachements van de database naar files converteren:
    [Syn-3] root@server ~# perl /usr/doc/zarafa/db-convert-attachments-to-files root `cat /etc/my.passwd` zarafa /home/system/zarafa delete && chown -R zarafa:zarafa /home/system/zarafa
    The size of all attachments in the database is: 19859619840 Bytes (18.5 GB)
    Available space is: 260109750272 Bytes (242.25 GB)
    Finding all attachments...
    Processing 51327 attachments
    Remember to correct the ownership of the files for Zarafa to access, when Zarafa is not running as root
    [Syn-3] root@server ~#