= Zarafa migratie van Connectux naar SYN-3 = == Algemeen == * Update uw connectux server naar 6.20, oudere versies worden niet ondersteund door deze procedure. (op aanvraag wel mogelijk) * Zorg dat de users zijn aangemaakt op de SYN-3 server. (Als de installatie te groot is om dit handigmatig te doen, neem dan contact op met ons. Wij kunnen hiervoor scripts maken.) * Zet de mail ontvangst op beide servers tijdens de conversie uit. Anders kan nieuwe mail verloren gaan. * '''Deze procedure verwijderd alle bestaande Zarafa gegevens op de SYN-3 server.''' == Database kopieren van Connectux naar SYN-3 == * Zorg dat u mimimaal SYN-3 versie 4.4.1 hebt. * Zorg dat de Zarafa database op de SYN-3 server leeg is: {{{ [Syn-3] root@syn.kado.local ~# svcstop /service/zarafa-server/ Stopping /service/zarafa-server/ ....OK [Syn-3] root@syn.kado.local ~# mysqladmin -f -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` drop zarafa && mysqladmin -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` create zarafa && rm -r /home/system/zarafa/* Database "zarafa" dropped [Syn-3] root@syn.kado.local ~# }}} * Achterhaal de mysql user en pass van de database op de Connectux server: {{{ linux:/md0 # grep mysql /etc/araneus/zarafa/server.cfg mysql_user = root mysql_password = 12345 mysql_database = zarafa }}} * Om tijd te besparen, zorgen we dat de database rechtstreeks geïmporteerd word op de SYN-3 server, zonder tussenkomt van tijdelijke files. Voer uit op de Connectux server: {{{ linux:/md0 # mysqldump --quick -uroot -p'12345' zarafa | ssh root@ 'mysql -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` zarafa' root@'s password: }}} * Afhankelijk van de database grote, kan dit soms een paar uur duren. Met dstat en top kunt u op de syn3 server zien wat er gaande is. '''Mocht de conversie onderbroken worden met de melding 'ERROR 1153 (08S01) at line 24818: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes', dan dient u deze instelling hoger te maken in beide mysql config files''' == User ID's en database conversie == * Kopieer de passwd file van de oude server naar /root * Gebruik dit script voor de conversie: {{{ #!/bin/bash # Connectux2Zarafa Conversion script (C)2010 DatuX - Released under GPL svcstop /service/zarafa-server SQLPW=`cat /etc/my.passwd` echo "SYN-3: Reading user ID converions:" echo "old user id -> username -> new user id" #for OLDUID in `echo 'select externid from users where isgroup=0 and externid>0' |mysql -p$SQLPW zarafa`; do for OLDUID in `echo 'select externid from users where object_type=1 and externid>0' |mysql -p$SQLPW zarafa`; do [ "$OLDUID" == "externid" ] && continue; USER=`cat ~/passwd |egrep ".+:.+:$OLDUID:"|cut -f1 -d:` NEWUID=`getent passwd |egrep "$USER:.+:.+:"|cut -f3 -d:` echo "$OLDUID -> $USER -> $NEWUID" if [ "$USER" == "" ]; then echo "Old user $OLDUID not found in old passwd file!" [ "$FORCE" ] || exit 1 continue; fi if [ "$NEWUID" == "" ]; then echo "User $USER does not exist on this system yet!" [ "$FORCE" ] || exit 1 continue; fi QUERY="$QUERY""update users set externid='$NEWUID' where (externid='$OLDUID');" done if [ "$QUERY" == "" ];then echo "Something went wrong.." [ "$FORCE" ] || exit 1 fi echo "SYN-3: Updating database:" echo "query: $QUERY" echo -e "$QUERY" | mysql -p$SQLPW zarafa || exit 1 echo "SYN-3: Starting zarafa in conversion mode:" rm /var/log/zarafa/server.log zarafa-server --ignore-attachment-storage-conflict sleep 10 tail -f /var/log/zarafa/server.log & while ! grep 'Startup succeeded' /var/log/zarafa/server.log; do echo "SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish..." sleep 60 done killall zarafa-server tail echo "SYN-3: Converting attachments from database to files" perl /usr/doc/zarafa/db-convert-attachments-to-files root $SQLPW zarafa /home/system/zarafa delete || exit 1 chown -R zarafa:zarafa /home/system/zarafa || exit 1 svcstart /service/zarafa-server || exit 1 echo "SYN-3: Conversion done, Zarafa should be available now." }}} * Start met FORCE=1 ./convert als u wilt doorgaan zonder user-controle. (voor als er users ontbreken)\ == Problemen tijdens conversie == Hier een voorbeeld van een standaard probleem: {{{ [Syn-3] root@linux.ours.local ~# FORCE=1 ./convert Stopping /service/zarafa-server ...OK SYN-3: Reading user ID converions: old user id -> username -> new user id 10001 -> osman -> 1002 10002 -> herman -> User herman does not exist on this system yet! 10003 -> sunplan -> User sunplan does not exist on this system yet! SYN-3: Updating database: query: update users set externid='1002' where (externid='10001');\n SYN-3: Starting zarafa in conversion mode: SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... Thu Jun 9 22:21:40 2011: Starting zarafa-server version 6,40,8,27223, pid 24485 Thu Jun 9 22:21:40 2011: Connection to database 'zarafa' succeeded Thu Jun 9 22:21:40 2011: WARNING: zarafa-licensed not running, commercial features will not be available until it's started. Thu Jun 9 22:21:40 2011: Start: Adding externid to 'object' table Thu Jun 9 22:21:40 2011: Done: Adding externid to 'object' table Thu Jun 9 22:21:40 2011: Start: Creating Single Instance Attachment table SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Creating Single Instance Attachment table Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Locking multiserver capability Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Locking multiserver capability Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Creating Addressbook Changes table Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Creating Addressbook Changes table Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Updating 'singleinstances' table to correct tag value Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Updating 'singleinstances' table to correct tag value Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Create table: synced messages Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Create table: synced messages Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Force Addressbook Resync Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Skipped: Force Addressbook Resync Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Rename objecttype columns to objectclass Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Rename objecttype columns to objectclass Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Convert objecttype columns to objectclass values Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Convert objecttype columns to objectclass values Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Add object MV property table Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Add object MV property table Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Link objects in DB plugin through companyid Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Done: Link objects in DB plugin through companyid Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Start: Update outgoingqueue key Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: 0x00000009ea8568: SQL Failed: Can't DROP 'PRIMARY'; check that column/key exists, Query: "ALTER TABLE outgoingqueue DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchy_id`,`flags`,`store_id`)" Thu Jun 9 22:29:59 2011: Failed: Rollback database Thu Jun 9 22:30:00 2011: Can't update the database: Unable to upgrade zarafa from version 6.20.18389 to Thu Jun 9 22:30:00 2011: Server shutdown complete. SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... }}} Blijkbaar verwacht zarafa een index die niet bestaat, handmatige de query aanpassen lost het probleem op. (soms moet dit met meerdere indexen) {{{ [Syn-3] root@linux.ours.local ~# mysql -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` zarafa Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 66 Server version: 5.0.91 Source distribution Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> ALTER TABLE outgoingqueue DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchy_id`,`flags`,`store_id`); ERROR 1091 (42000): Can't DROP 'PRIMARY'; check that column/key exists mysql> ALTER TABLE outgoingqueue ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchy_id`,`flags`,`store_id`); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.09 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> ALTER TABLE outgoingqueue DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchy_id`,`flags`,`store_id`); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0 mysql> }}} We starten het script nogmaals, in FORCE mode omdat de user conversie al geweest is: {{{ [Syn-3] root@linux.ours.local ~# FORCE=1 ./convert Stopping /service/zarafa-server ...OK SYN-3: Reading user ID converions: old user id -> username -> new user id ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'object_type' in 'where clause' Something went wrong with user conversion.. SYN-3: Updating database: query: SYN-3: Starting zarafa in conversion mode: SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish... Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Done: Update acl key Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Start: Update externid in object table Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Done: Update externid in object table Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Start: Update keys in 'changes' table Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Done: Update keys in 'changes' table Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Start: Update mvproperties key Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: 0x0000000a356568: SQL Failed: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key, Query: "ALTER TABLE mvproperties DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchyid`,`tag`,`type`,`orderid`), DROP KEY `hi`" Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Failed: Rollback database Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Can't update the database: Unable to upgrade zarafa from version 6.40.27223 to Thu Jun 9 22:36:18 2011: Server shutdown complete. }}} Nu gaat het mis op een andere table, we doen dezelfde sql magic: {{{ [Syn-3] root@linux.ours.local ~# mysql -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` zarafa Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 77 Server version: 5.0.91 Source distribution Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> ALTER TABLE mvproperties DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchyid`,`tag`,`type`,`orderid`), DROP KEY `hi`; ERROR 1075 (42000): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key }}}