Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of howto/ZarafaMigrateConnectux

06/09/11 22:39:41 (13 years ago)
Edwin Eefting



  • howto/ZarafaMigrateConnectux

    v32 v33  
     202We starten het script nogmaals, in FORCE mode omdat de user conversie al geweest is:
     204[Syn-3] root@linux.ours.local ~# FORCE=1 ./convert
     205Stopping /service/zarafa-server ...OK
     206SYN-3: Reading user ID converions:
     207old user id -> username -> new user id
     208ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'object_type' in 'where clause'
     209Something went wrong with user conversion..
     210SYN-3: Updating database:
     212SYN-3: Starting zarafa in conversion mode:
     213SYN-3: Waiting for conversion to finish...
     214Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Done: Update acl key
     215Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Start: Update externid in object table
     216Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Done: Update externid in object table
     217Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Start: Update keys in 'changes' table
     218Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Done: Update keys in 'changes' table
     219Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Start: Update mvproperties key
     220Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: 0x0000000a356568: SQL Failed: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key, Query: "ALTER TABLE mvproperties DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchyid`,`tag`,`type`,`orderid`), DROP KEY `hi`"
     221Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Failed: Rollback database
     222Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Can't update the database: Unable to upgrade zarafa from version 6.40.27223 to
     223Thu Jun  9 22:36:18 2011: Server shutdown complete.
     227Nu gaat het mis op een andere table, we doen dezelfde sql magic:
     229[Syn-3] root@linux.ours.local ~# mysql -p`cat /etc/my.passwd` zarafa
     230Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
     231Your MySQL connection id is 77
     232Server version: 5.0.91 Source distribution
     234Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
     236mysql> ALTER TABLE mvproperties DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`hierarchyid`,`tag`,`type`,`orderid`), DROP KEY `hi`;
     237ERROR 1075 (42000): Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key